Women and noses: they get them done, they hate them if they're not cute uppey noses or well-structured, complementary things. It's an obligation it seems, to get them done if you are in the public eye, no matter what you started with. I want to see a photo book of women with their own, unique noses.

I want young girls with unfashionable noses to see this book, and I want to look at it myself.

I would volunteer at least the women displayed for this publication, and of course (and for marketing purposes), those famous ladies who haven't gone under the knife.

Witness how beautiful a real nose can make a woman.
I would like to say for the record, that I used to like my nose. A while back it seemed to go better with my face. Now, it hooks. It never used to hook before. But also, I know I would never get a nose job to un-hook it. That make me, not me. Because my nose is me, and I know my nose well enough to keep it.
And I would also read a book about noses. Maybe we should start to take pictures of noses, and a little note below of what the person says about their nose. Big noses!! I looove big noses, so that is probably what I would take more pictures of.
Yes, take the pictures!
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