When I was in my early twenties, I dreamt of a bony old man who shared my attic bedroom, and raped me during the night. I was carrying an unwanted pregnancy at the time, and i knew his intention was to be reborn in that child. I was on the fence about what I should do about my problem, and the fear that my dream wasn't just a dream helped me make up my mind.
Later, my friend Ray, who was considerate and loving, took over that same attic bedroom and put his bed right where I was told the ghost in the attic's energy was sourcing (ask me about that identification later). Basically, he went crazy. Last I heard, he had beat up his girlfriend a few times before she left him.
Do the dead have the choice to incorporate themselves into the living? Since Jolie's energy started sapping away, I've felt more and more of her in me. I make her faces; I do things she did without thinking. Or maybe I just notice them more. But it feels like more than that.
Another friend speculated last night that the incorporation of our ancestors in us might have an affect on our physical appearance. My other sister apparently looks just like our paternal grandmother, who died before any of us were born. Does she carry this woman with her, in her? How many lives do you carry within you?
Oh and when we dream, I think we're just going into the realm of heaven or hell, that it's really a death occurring. I mean, people with sleep apnea want to give in and die every night, and that makes sense. We're just remembering where we were before, and where we'll go after. It's nice when it's mostly heaven, isn't it?
I guess I could smoothly segue into the many lives theory at this point. Off to that entry!
I guess I could smoothly segue into the many lives theory at this point. Off to that entry!