So here's the story.
I got Jesus. I mean I got him, like he's half kid half man kinda like Peter Pan and it's him no question cause since I got him I remembered everything and he is everything, people. He's all that and more. You don't have anything to worry about because he can take it all, he's the winner, hands down. You will all love him because you have no goddam choice, you'll see. Or maybe he's just for me. That's quite likely. He's irresistible, utterly. In every way. But he's still too young to deal with the fact that he's all that. He's got some more living to do and I figure he'll come across the fact of who he is eventually on his own time, so in the meantime I'm making all these arrangements for him, for people to meet him and look after him. I'm kinda like his eagle, or something, all covering him, all keeping him safe and confused and not dying cause he was pretty ruined when i found him but you know everything goes its own way, the way it gotta. And now that everything's been pointing me to the Freemasons and turns out they got the Rosecrucians who got the Illuminati who know all about all this cause they got the Anti-Christ, who I even happen to know funny enough, but that's another tangent story. Anyhoo, it's time to figure out what their plan is and I've got some meetings when I'm back in the US and let's see if they think I'm as crazy as you do.
ok now right now i know you're saying this lady's off her rocker. And sure maybe i am, but it's kinda interesting don't you think? What can I do, it's my life. So I'll keep on trucking cause that's what we do. And you know you want to know more about what happens next, don't you, nosepicker?