When a woman is unafraid to be herself, men from the Middle East get confused: is she a man or a woman? American men either get angry with her and call her a bitch or fall in love with her. I might suggest that a more appropriate reaction is fear, or awe.
What if the story of Adam and Eve was only a device devised by men to keep women in their "place" and believing that they are cursed, instead of as powerful and able as men?
What if the reason the world is falling apart is because women have bowed out of positions of responsibility in regards to this world, and have allowed men to run free and devalue the feminine?
It is a mark of american immaturity that a strong woman cannot have a conversation with most men without sexual tension coming into it. American men do not want to know a woman - they just want to figure out how they can fuck her.
Women are taught to be timid, and to hide themselves to all except their closest friends and husbands, lest some unknowing man fall in love with her. Marriage has taught women that they must guard themselves from others falling in love with them, and has relegated them to this position of timidity.
What else, ladies?